Tag: construction mediation

ADR Construction Construction Law

Because I Haven’t Mentioned Mediation Lately. . .

Any regular reader of Construction Law Musings knows that I am both a great believer in mediation and a certified Virginia mediator.  After the last few weeks in which I participated in mediation by Zoom, a Judicial Settlement Conference (read, court-ordered mediation with a retired judge), and will be participating in another mediation in person […]

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law Mechanic's Liens

Changes to Va. Code Section 43-13: Another Arrow in a Subcontractor’s Quiver

As is always the case here in Virginia, our General Assembly has made some legislative changes that affect construction contracting.  One of these changes is an amendment to Va. Code 43-13 found in the mechanic’s lien section of the Virginia Code. This section of the code has always required that any money paid to a […]

Announcements Business of Construction Construction Law Marketing Mechanic's Liens

Be Sure to Join Me at this Year’s “Virtual” Construction Law and Public Contracts Seminar

In case you hadn’t heard, there is a virus going around that has thrown us all a “social distancing” curveball.  Most, if not all, large public events have either gone “virtual” or been postponed or canceled.  Luckily, this year’s 41st Annual Construction Law and Public Contracts Seminar is in the former category.

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law

Why Your Construction Company Needs a “Staff Attorney”

Construction projects can get complex.  Not only do the contracts governing those projects seem to get more complex, but the law governing those contracts and the construction world seem to change on a regular (though not always logical) basis.  Its enough to make a construction professional want to simply sign a contract and plug ahead […]

ADR Business of Construction Construction Construction Law Contracts

Is Arbitration Always the Answer?

Originally posted 2016-04-19 10:50:36. After a long (for me) hiatus due to Spring Break with my wonderful family followed by a crazy last two weeks for both personal and business reasons, I’m back and ready to muse again. This week’s “musings” concern a topic that arises often in construction contracts and construction dispute resolution.  The […]

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