Tag: construction mediator

Business of Construction Construction Law Mechanic's Liens

One More Mechanic’s Lien Number- the Number 30

I’ve spoken here often about the numbers 90 and 150 as they relate to Virginia mechanic’s liens.  These numbers are important for all mechanic’s liens in Virginia, whether commercial or residential (meaning liens for 1 and 2-family homes).  There is another number, 30, that is important for those construction contractors that perform work on single […]

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law Mechanic's Liens

A Quick Virginia Mechanic’s Lien Timing Refresher

As those who read Construction Law Musings on a regular basis know, mechanic’s liens are a big part of my construction law practice.  These tricky and strictly enforced statutory collection tools are very powerful when correctly recorded and utterly useless if they aren’t recorded in a timely fashion and with the correct information contained within […]

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law

What’s the Best Way to “Use” a Construction Attorney?

The question in the title of this post is one I think about a lot.  I have also discussed some aspects of this topic previously here at Musings.  As 2022 winds down and we head into 2023, my thoughts have landed back on how I as a construction lawyer can help my clients and how […]

ADR Business of Construction Construction

Mediation is (Almost) Always Worth a Shot

As Hurricane Ian is bearing down on Florida the economy is sputtering, it is easy to lose track of things that construction professionals (among others) can control.  One of those things is how to resolve your construction dispute.  When initial, and hopefully business-oriented, discussions break down and the construction lawyers get involved, often more formal […]

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law Contracts

Thoughts on New Pay if Paid Legislation (UPDATED with Final Text)

Originally posted 2022-03-23 10:54:51. Recently, the Virginia General Assembly closed its session having passed legislation essentially banning “pay if paid” clauses in construction contracts, both public and private.  Assuming that Governor Youngkin signs the bill into law on or before his deadline of April 11, 2022, the following new requirement will be grafted into any […]

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