Tag: construction mediator

Announcements Construction Construction Law

Happy Halloween from Construction Law Musings

This crazy year more than most, I wish all of my readers a happy and fun Halloween.  I hope your days are filled with well-carved jack-o-lanterns and that the kids in your neighborhood have fun dressing up and showing off their costumes. Have a happy and safe Halloween from Construction Law Musings! As always, I […]

ADR Construction Construction Law

Because I Haven’t Mentioned Mediation Lately. . .

Any regular reader of Construction Law Musings knows that I am both a great believer in mediation and a certified Virginia mediator.  After the last few weeks in which I participated in mediation by Zoom, a Judicial Settlement Conference (read, court-ordered mediation with a retired judge), and will be participating in another mediation in person […]

Business of Construction Construction Law Contracts

Why I Enjoy Visiting a Job Site

Originally posted 2016-07-25 11:26:44. Last week a friend of mine at a local construction company invited me to lunch and for a tour of a local project here in Richmond.  This was the third visit to this project that was to take an historic train station and renovate it into a newer working train station […]

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law

Sometimes You Get Away with Default (but don’t count on it)

As an almost universal rule here in Virginia, failing to show up for court or respond to a lawsuit is a bad idea.  Consequences include default judgment against you without the right to defend or make your case.  Courts simply enter judgment and the consequences of that judgment will follow. However, and as is often […]

Announcements Construction Construction Law

Ten Years Since Going Solo!

Wow!  It’s been 10 years since my first day as a solo practitioner of construction law at The Law Office of Christopher G. Hill, PC.  Time sure has flown by thanks to the great clients and friends that followed me to solo practice and that I have met since the firm’s founding on July 1, […]

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