Originally posted 2016-02-01 14:39:09. As regular readers of Construction Law Musings are aware, I just recently completed my training and mentor-ship for certification to practice mediation in the Virginia General District Courts. As a construction litigator, I have found that mediation can be extremely helpful in resolving construction disputes, particularly commercial construction disputes. Now I’ve […]
Thoughts on Massachusetts Prompt Pay Law
Originally posted 2017-04-20 09:45:03. For this Monday edition of Guest Post Friday, we welcome a new contributor, Adam Kreitman. Adam (@amkreitman) is a project manager at North East Interior and an Army Corps Certified Quality Control Manager. Background Gov. Deval Patrick passed an act that profoundly affected payment terms on private construction projects in November […]
Reminder: Know Your Contractor Licensing Rules
Originally posted 2014-07-09 09:44:01. In the course of my construction law practice, I have the pleasure of speaking with and talking to contractors and subcontractors that are based in Virginia and also based in other states. With the more nationalized construction landscape due to the constricted construction economy, I have more and more interaction with […]
Urban Retrofits, Tall Buildings, and Sustainability
Originally posted 2012-11-09 12:30:30. As I took a small break between cases and contract reviews, an article in the November 2, 2009 issue of ENR Magazine caught my eye. The article discusses the efforts of a Chicago architect to create a holistic approach to the renovation and “de-carbonization” of the Chicago Loop area. The plan […]
Another Great Construction and Public Contracts Law Seminar Weekend
Originally posted 2014-11-10 09:36:14. As some of you readers know, I spoke at the 35th Annual Construction and Public Contracts Law Seminar (schedule is linked here) this past weekend. Aside from the great and flattering opportunity to join my friend Hanna Blake at the front of the room to speak on the topic of payment bond […]