Originally posted 2014-11-10 09:36:14. As some of you readers know, I spoke at the 35th Annual Construction and Public Contracts Law Seminar (schedule is linked here) this past weekend. Aside from the great and flattering opportunity to join my friend Hanna Blake at the front of the room to speak on the topic of payment bond […]
My How Six Years of Musings Can Fly By!
Wow! It seems like just yesterday that I started this little construction law blog with a two line post on the Blogger platform. When I posted that announcement six (yes, it’s been 6 years) ago basically on a whim, I had no idea that I would still be posting my “musings” on construction related topics […]
Be Sure to Check out This Fall’s Annual Construction Law Seminar
Are you a Virginia construction attorney? Would you like to knock out a full year of CLE credit (including Ethics) in one fell swoop? Want to have a great time meeting and networking with some of the best construction attorneys in Virginia? Want to hear me speak along with friend and fellow Construction Law and […]
Musings on a Great Construction Law Weekend
This past weekend, I attended the Virginia State Bar’s Construction Law and Public Contracts Section board meeting and CLE. As with every year I attend this great event, I both learned something new and got to know or catch up with some good people and great construction attorneys here in Virginia. My weekend started with […]