Tag: contract

Construction Law Contracts Green Building

ConsensusDOCS Goes Green

Recently, the ConsensusDOCS, a set of form documents that compete with the older (though in my opinion, no more useful) AIA contract documents with which all general contractors and subcontractors are familiar, released a Green Building Addendum(the ConsensusDOCS 310). In the interest of full disclosure, I am a member of the working group on this […]

Announcements Construction Law

Happy Labor Day from Construction Law Musings

Just wanted to say happy Labor Day!  Musings is taking a break today and will be back later this week with my thoughts on arbitration clauses and construction contracts.  Also, thanks to all my Guest Post Friday posters for their great additions in the past few months. Please let me know your thoughts and feel […]

Business of Construction Green Building

Go Green or Go Home!

The more I examine the construction landscape, the more green building makes sense. As argued by Chris Cheatham at Green Building Law Update, customers want it. Set aside all of the environmental and political reasons for building green (less oil dependence and the corresponding dependence on middle eastern interests, “global warming” and the like), and […]

Construction Law Contracts

Affirmed: The Contract is King in Virginia

We have discussed the overwhelming need for precision in construction contract drafting on several occasions here at Musings.  This need is illustrated with great clarity by the litigation surrounding the Granby Towers in Norfolk, Virginia.  The circumstances surrounding the Granby Towers debacle have been well documented.   For that reason, I will not re-iterate them […]

Announcements Business of Construction

Watch this Space for More Construction Tips

Just wanted to let all of my friends know that this blog is here and let them know that I have gotten buried in a construction case in the Eastern District of Virginia “Rocket Docket” and may not post for a while (meaning a week or so). I still will be feeding documents and the […]

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