Originally posted 2013-09-23 10:16:00. Several posts out here in the legal blogosphere have discussed alternative dispute resolution (ADR). One good post out there relating to arbitration is by my friend Matt Devries (@matthewdevries) at his great blog Best Practices Construction Law. In his post, Matt sets forth the case for arbitration as a dispute resolution […]
Musings on Why I Mediate
Originally posted 2013-02-04 09:00:50. This week, I’ve decided to jump off the legislative/mechanic’s lien train and get back to thoughts on one of, if not my number one, favorite dispute resolution process: mediation. As those of you who read Musings regularly know, I became certified as a mediator by the Virginia Supreme Court last year. […]
A Great How To on Mediation Practice (UPDATED)
Originally posted 2016-02-01 14:39:09. As regular readers of Construction Law Musings are aware, I just recently completed my training and mentor-ship for certification to practice mediation in the Virginia General District Courts. As a construction litigator, I have found that mediation can be extremely helpful in resolving construction disputes, particularly commercial construction disputes. Now I’ve […]
Another Great Construction and Public Contracts Law Seminar Weekend
Originally posted 2014-11-10 09:36:14. As some of you readers know, I spoke at the 35th Annual Construction and Public Contracts Law Seminar (schedule is linked here) this past weekend. Aside from the great and flattering opportunity to join my friend Hanna Blake at the front of the room to speak on the topic of payment bond […]
Mediators and Breaking through Impasse
Originally posted 2012-03-23 14:40:40. For this week’s Guest Post Friday here at Construction Law Musings, we welcome back Vickie Pynchon for a (record?) 5th time. Vickie (@mediatesuccess) mediates with ADR Services, Inc. in Los Angeles, arbitrates for the American Arbitration Association and is the co-founder of She Negotiates Consulting and Training (http://shenegotiates.com). Victoria has authored […]