Announcements Business of Construction Construction Construction Law

PSA: Virginia Repeals Its Permanent COVID-19 Safety Standard

In January of 2021, Virginia was one of the first states to adopt a permanent workplace safety standard setting out employer requirements for COVID safety.  Later that same year, the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry updated the standard to make it less confusing and more easily complied with. Now, as of March 21, 2022, […]

Announcements Construction Construction Law Occupational Safety

PSA: Virginia DOLI Amends COVID Workplace Standard

Originally posted 2021-10-05 11:41:25. As the governmental response to COVID-19 evolves, so do the various standards that apply to employers.  Effective September 8, 2021, the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry superseded its earlier permanent workplace standard with a new standard. In many ways, the new standard simplifies compliance because it gets rid of what […]

Announcements Business of Construction Construction Construction Law

PSA: Virginia Adopts Permanent COVID Workplace Standard

The Commonwealth of Virginia passed a temporary emergency workplace standard relating to COVID that became effective as of July 27, 2020.  Just this past week, effective January 27, 2021, Virginia has enacted a permanent workplace standard.  This new and permanent 58-page standard is set forth in Section 16VAC25-220 of the Virginia Administrative Code and includes […]

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