Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

Tag Archives: feedback

Happy Holidays and a Heart Felt Thank You

Happy Holidays

I want to say how grateful I am to all who read this new blog. I truly appreciate the time folks have taken to read my rants, comment on my posts, tweet their thoughts and generally let me know how they feel. I hope to continue to keep your confidence and look forward to hearing what you would like more info on as this community and blog grows.

Have a wonderful holiday and I hope we can continue the conversation in 2009.


About Musings

About Construction Law Musings

I am a construction lawyer in Richmond, Virginia, a LEED AP, and have been nominated by my peers to Virginia's Legal Elite in Construction Law on multiple occasions. I provide advice and assistance with mechanic's liens, contract review and consulting, occupational safety issues (VOSH and OSHA), and risk management for construction professionals.

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