Tag: fraud

Construction Law Contracts

Fraud, the VCPA and Construction Contracts

Originally posted 2014-11-10 09:36:15. I’ve discussed the economic loss rule here at Musings on several occasions.  The economic loss rule basically states that where one party assumes a duty based in contract or agreement, the Virginia courts will not allow a claim for breach of that duty to go forward as anything but a contract […]

Construction Construction Law Contracts

Even Fraud in the Inducement is Tough in Construction

Originally posted 2014-06-10 15:38:08. I have discussed how hard it is in the Commonwealth of Virginia to make out a claim for fraud when a construction contract is involved.  On limited exception is where a claim for “fraud in the inducement” is involved.  Essentially, such a claim states that one party was hoodwinked into entering […]

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law

A Good Examination of Fraud, Contract and Negligence Per Se

Originally posted 2018-02-27 16:36:32. I have spoken on several occasions here at Construction Law Musings about the interplay (or lack thereof) between fraud and contract as it relates to construction in Virginia. The general rule is that fraud and contract claims don’t mix and a fraud claim in the face of a contractual one is […]

Construction Law Contracts

Fraud and Construction Contracts- Like Oil and Water?

Originally posted 2014-11-27 10:00:21. We have discussed the interaction of fraud and breach of contract actions on occasion here at Construction Law Musings.  In most cases the two do not mix.  Between the economic loss rule and the general desire of Virginia courts to keep contract actions and tort actions separate, most of the time […]

Construction Construction Law Contracts

Yet Another Reminder that Tort and Contract Don’t Mix

I have stated on numerous occasions here at Musings that in Virginia, contract claims and tort claims (read fraud) don’t mix.  A recent case from the Federal District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia presents another example of this principle.  In Itility LLC v. The Staffing Resource Group, Judge Ellis of the Alexandria Division, […]

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