Tag: General contractor

Construction Construction Law Occupational Safety

VOSH Jumps Into the Employee Misclassification Pool

The proper classification of workers by construction companies has been on the radar of the Department of Labor for both the US and Virginia governments for quite a while.  While most of the misclassification is innocent and not done to create issues, there have been enough instances of purposeful misclassification of certain workers as independent […]

Announcements Business of Construction Contracts

ConsensusDOCS Updates its Forms

As reported recently in ENR Magazine, among other publications, the ConsensusDOCS folks have updated their contract forms.  Why is this news? First of all, it’s only been around three and a half years since these documents were officially released and this release is about 18 months sooner than anticipated (the original revision cycle was to […]

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law Contracts Guest Post Friday

Make Your Contract Work for You: Top 5 Clauses to Review Before Signing

For this week’s Guest Post Friday here at Musings, we welcome back Rob Pitkin.  Rob (@KCconstrlawyer) is an attorney with the Construction Law Group of Horn Aylward & Bandy, LLC in Kansas City, where he handles Construction disputes and other types of sophisticated business litigation.  Originally from Iowa, he graduated from Wheaton College in Illinois […]

Business of Construction Construction Law Marketing

A Great Contractor Filled Weekend

Over this past weekend, I attended the annual convention of the Associated General Contractors of Virginia.  As always, a good time was had by all.  Between the skeet and five stand shooting, the oyster tasting and other great events, the convention had plenty of laughter and opportunity to have some fun at the Homestead here […]

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law

Why Construction Law- An Update

Back in 2009, only a year or so after my first post here at Musings, I posted on why I’m in the field of construction law.  Well, a lot has happened in the over 5 years since then, not the least of which is my move to solo practice in July of 2010 and the […]

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