Tag: general indemnity agreement

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law Contracts

Construction Contract Basics: Indemnity

I’m back after a welcome change of offices from a Regus location to a separate and more customer-friendly local shared office space location.  I thought I’d jump back into posting with a series of construction contract-related posts, the first of which relates to indemnification clauses. An indemnification clause in a contract obligates one party (the […]

Bond Claims Business of Construction Construction Construction Law

General Indemnity Agreement Can Come Back to Bite You

I talk about payment bonds often here at Construction Law Musings.  I talk a bit less about performance bonds and even less about the General Indemnity Agreements (GIA) that are signed by companies and their principals as part of the agreement between a construction company and its bonding company for the provision of these bonds.  […]

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