Tag: indemnification

Construction Construction Law Contracts

Quick Tip: Don’t Indemnify for Breach of Contract

Every contractor or subcontractor has seen that indemnification language in a contract that states that the indemnifying party will indemnify the contractor, owner, architect, owner representative (and likely to dog walker, though I’m unclear on that one) for any claim relating to the indemnifying parties actions to include any breach of the construction agreement.  This […]

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law Contracts

More Fun with Indemnity and Construction Contracts!

Well, I’m back.  It’s been quite a while since my last post due to some busy family times and running my law practice.  Hopefully, you will hear from me more often in the future. Now. . . on with the post: I have often discussed indemnity provisions here at Construction Law Musings.  I’ve posted on […]

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law Contracts

Uniwest Rides Again (or, Are Architects Subject to Va. Code Section 11-4.1?)

Originally posted 2018-10-03 11:07:55. In 2010, the Virginia Supreme Court held in Uniwest Const., Inc. v. Amtech Elevator Servs., Inc., that Va. Code Sec. 11-4.1 renders completely void and unenforceable any indemnification provision in a construction contract between a contractor and subcontractor that seeks to indemnify the indemnified party from its own negligent acts.  In […]

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law Contracts

Construction Contract Basics: Indemnity

I’m back after a welcome change of offices from a Regus location to a separate and more customer-friendly local shared office space location.  I thought I’d jump back into posting with a series of construction contract-related posts, the first of which relates to indemnification clauses. An indemnification clause in a contract obligates one party (the […]

Business of Construction Construction Law Contracts

More Hensel Phelps Ripples in the Statute of Limitations Pond?

As is always the case when I attend the Virginia State Bar’s annual construction law seminar, I come away from it with a few posts on recent cases and their implications.  The first of these is not a construction case, but has implications relating to the state project related statute of limitations and indemnification issues […]

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