Tag: Internal Revenue Service

Business of Construction Guest Post Friday

What is a Conservation Easement and Why in the World Would I Put One on My Land?

For this week’s Guest Post Friday here at Musings, we welcome a new face and newly solo attorney, Lee Stephens.  Lee  (@leestephenslaw) has represented dozens of landowners who successfully placed conservation easements on their property, ranging from a farm of 1,800 acres to a lot of 0.85 acres, all over the Commonwealth.  Lee currently sits […]

Construction Law Green Building

Is the Sky Actually Falling (on Green Building)?

I have spoken on many occasions here at Construction Law Musings and elsewhere about the risks and rewards for contractors found in sustainable construction.  The rewards were fairly apparent.  New markets, government incentives, and the desires of owners to be “green” clearly point toward a need for contractors to get into the sustainable building game. […]

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