Tag: Labor Day

Announcements Construction

Happy Labor Day from Musings

Ahh, Labor Day, the end of summer break for many, and the beginning of another school year.  Aside from a move to a new home, the weekend should be relaxing and a good one for us “empty nesters.”  With two married and one a senior at NC State, it’s just my wife and I. I […]

Announcements Construction Construction Law

Happy End of Summer from Construction Law Musings

Ahh, Labor Day, the end of summer break for many, and the beginning of another school year.  My wife dropped our youngest off for her Sophomore year and the only non-college school year will be experienced by our son, a 6th-grade math teacher in Boone, NC.  Our oldest is now a happy homeowner in her […]


Happy Labor Day from Construction Law Musings

Ahh, Labor Day, the end of summer break for many, and the beginning of another school year.  This year will be a different sort of Labor Day for my family.  Our youngest is off at NC State University and there will be no packing up school supplies and excited decisions on first day of school […]


Happy Labor Day from Construction Law Musings

My how the summer has flown by!  My two older kids are back at their respective colleges and my youngest starts her sophomore year of high school tomorrow.  The family time that the kids’ summer break allows always goes by way to fast.  I hope that all of you readers have the opportunity to sit […]

Announcements Construction

Happy Labor Day from Construction Law Musings

As summer ends and the start of school begins in many places, it is a good time to reflect on the family time that summer vacation allows.  For me it is hard to believe that starting tomorrow, my youngest of 3 is headed to high school and my older two are both now in college.  […]

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