Tag: Lawsuit

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Reminder: Construction Litigation is Expensive, Be Sure It’s Worth It

I know, this title is yet another seemingly obvious statement in a series of them here at Construction Law Musings.  I seem to be going from cliche to cliche these days and musing on things from necessary evils to naming the correct parties in a lawsuit. However a recent post from my fellow “blawger” and […]

Business of Construction Construction Law

Construction Mediation Thoughts at ALPS 411

Thanks again to the great folks over at ALPS411 for another opportunity to join their great list of writers and post a few thoughts on my role as a mediator. Here’s a quick excerpt and hopefully it will interest you in the whole post (linked above): There is, however, a third role that I personally […]

ADR Construction Construction Law

The Construction Lawyer as Mediator

While there has been much discussion about whether a construction attorney’s involvement  is actually a detriment to a construction project and its potentially litigious aftermath, I have spent a couple of posts here at Construction Law Musings to discuss the benefits of hiring a construction attorney early in the project, and even later in the […]

ADR Business of Construction Construction Law

Thoughts and Thank Yous from Construction Law Musings

Well, I’m back from vacation and right back into the fun world of construction law with both feet.  Talk about hitting the ground running.  Off of the plane on Monday, a General District Court hearing on Tuesday and a 10 hour mediation on Thursday last week.  While the pace is high, the clients are great […]

Business of Construction Construction Law Green Building

Whence Green Building?

It has been a while since I last “mused” on sustainable (or “green”) building.  Since my last post on the subject much has been in the news, and most of it negative in some way.  While much good has occurred to advance the sustainable building cause, recent news on this front has shed an unnecessarily […]

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