Originally posted 2010-12-03 09:00:25. Green Building is all the rage. From the latest version of LEED, LEED 3.0, to discussions of “LEEDigation.” Every level of government wants in on the latest in sustainability. Musings discussed this trend in prior posts relating to Virginia and “green” building and Virginia Business Magazine chimed in as well. This […]
Thoughts on Standard of Care?
Originally posted 2017-01-01 10:00:24. I had a great chat Friday with Shari Shapiro of the Green Building Law blog. The topic of discussion was whether the general standard of care in construction that includes knowing and building to the building code encompasses meeting LEED benchmarks found in some but far from all codes. I posted […]
JRGBC- Local Action on LEED
For this week’s Guest Post Friday, we have a real treat. Megan Miller is the Executive Director of the James River Green Building Council (JRGBC), the Central Virginia Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council. The JRGBC serves local and national membership in the Central Virginia region and endeavors to move the green building industry […]
Even with LEED, Clear Specifications and Proper Documentation are Necessary
A recent lawsuit filed in California over the proper documentation necessary for LEED certification (discussed in detail at the Green Building Law Update) emphasizes the fact that, no matter how detailed the LEED certification process seems to be, a mere reference to that process or a certain level of LEED certification is far from sufficient […]
Why Build2Sustain?
Let me start by saying how honored I am to be a part of the Build2Sustain advisory board. When James Bedell (@jamesbedell on Twitter) first approached me, I was floored. With all of the other great attorneys out there who deal in the “green building” arena (see the links to some of their sites in […]