For this week’s Guest Post Friday, Musings welcomes Johanna Hoffmann for a second time. Johanna is a marketing and management consultant to construction professionals, architects and interior designers. Her company, Oomph Group Inc. delivers workshops and webinars in the areas of marketing and sales, human resources, general business and financial management. Oomph programs are accredited for continuing […]
How a Legal “Blawg” Helps! (Thanks Blog for Profit)
Thanks to @grantgriffiths and Blog For Profit for the great opportunity to guest post during their “31 Days to Kick Your Blog in the Butt” series: Here’s an excerpt of my guest post: When I started Construction Law Musings back in December of 2008, I did so on a whim. I had heard that a […]
Thanks to Construction Marketing Ideas for the Nomination
I just wanted to thank Mark Buckshon (@CMIblog) of the Construction Marketing Ideas blog for the kind nomination to his 2012 Best Construction Blog list. I am honored to be a part of the list and hope that my loyal readers will come out an vote for Construction Law Musings (you can vote at the […]
Sometimes You Just Have To Go Negative
For this week’s Guest Post Friday, we welcome Matt Handal for a third time. Matt (@matthandal)is a marketer, contributing editor of SMPS Marketer, and blogs about Marketing in the A/E/C industry. Matt sure is busy, but never too busy to answer your questions at or post at, where you can sign up to […]
Musings Nominated for Best Construction Blog
My friend Mark Buckshon (@markbuckshon) has started a great contest at his wonderful Construction Marketing Ideas blog. He has been kind enough to include me in the list of great blogs eligible for this award. I am honored just to be listed. If you are a reader of Construction Law Musings and enjoy reading it […]