For this week’s Guest Post Friday, Construction Law Musings welcomes Bobby Darnell (@cmcinc on Twitter). Bobby is the founder and Principal of Construction Market Consultants, Inc. An Atlanta based management consulting group specializing in business development, sales, marketing and profitability as well as executive placement for the Architectural, Engineering and Construction industry. Bobby can be […]
Newsflash: Musings to Invade the Advocate’s Studio
When I asked my pal Martha Sperry (@advocatesstudio) of the Advocates Studio legal tech blog to guest post this Friday (on a topic that is great but will be a surprise), I had no idea that she would let me take over the Studio for a day. We put our heads together over Google Wave […]
Do You Make These Pricing Mistakes?
For this week’s Guest Post Friday, we welcome Matt Handal for a second time. As a marketer, producer of the Construction Netcast podcast, contributing editor of SMPS Marketer, co-author of the Marketing Handbook for the Design & Construction Professional, and’s @MattHandal, Matt sure is busy. But never too much to answer your questions at […]