Tag: musings

Business of Construction Marketing

Why I “Muse” Every Week

Originally posted 2012-02-20 09:00:43. Recently, I’ve gotten numerous questions/comments from friends, clients and potential clients regarding how and why I continue to blog here at Construction Law Musings.  My first answer is always that its fun.  I know, it seems like a bit more work on top of a busy solo construction law practice.  However, […]

Announcements Construction Law

Happy Holidays 2018 from Construction Law Musings

Happily, the older two kids are home from college and Musings is enjoying some time off for Christmas. I wish you all Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas from The Law Office of Christopher G. Hill, PC and Construction Law Musings. To all of my friends, colleagues and most importantly, family, I hope you have a […]

Announcements Business of Construction Construction Law Contracts

2011 Year End Construction Law Musings and Reflections

Wow! Another year has passed and 2012 is just about upon us!  I hope all of you had a great year and I look forward to a wonderful 2012 here at Musings. As I sit here reflecting (or “Musing”) this day after Christmas, I am amazed at how quickly the first full calendar year of […]

Construction Construction Law Guest Post Friday

Open Letter to Guest Posters: Thanks for the Musings!

In the over four years and 500 posts here at Musings, I have been humbled and amazed at the growth of the subscriber base here at Construction Law Musings.  While this growth has been a great inspiration to keep this little corner of the internet going, what really spices things up and keeps it interesting […]

Announcements Guest Post Friday

Guest Post Friday at Musings Takes a Breather

The holiday season and year end are upon us and with it a slower pace here at Construction Law Musings.  Guest Post Fridays will therefore be a bit more intermittent for the next few weeks.  Don’t worry though, Guest Post Friday has not gone away.  In fact, I am excited to have a new contributor […]

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