Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

Tag Archives: payment bonds

Should a Subcontractor provide bonds to a GC who is not himself bonded? (Bonding Agent Perspective)

Should a Subcontractor provide bonds to a GC who is not himself bonded? (Bonding Agent Perspective)Guest Post Friday is back, and for this week, Construction Law Musings welcomes Steve Moore.  Steve has been the Construction & Surety Manager for Towne Insurance Agency-Invincia, in Chesterfield, VA since 2010.  Steve’s experience in the Virginia surety bonding marketplace started in 1985 with USF&G.  His underwriting travels took him from USF&G to starting National Grange Mutual’s mid-Atlantic bond department over Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, North & South Carolina, to being Reliance Surety’s “Firemark” bond manager in Virginia.  Reliance was purchased by Travelers, where Steve continued to grow the surety book of business and build expertise and relationships.  Experience with Travelers and Zurich had Steve handling surety bonds for some of Virginia’s largest and best-of-class contractors.  Recently, he was contracted by the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s office to serve as a contract surety expert witness on behalf of the state.  He is a 1985 graduate of Virginia Tech with double-major B.S. degrees in Finance and Marketing.

Today, Steve has business and relationships with Travelers, The Hartford, Westfield, CNA, CBIC, Selective, Liberty Mutual, Ohio Casualty, Cincinnati, and many other companies.  Steve’s strong foundation of insurance knowledge and in bonding principles and practices allow him to serve as a great resource for his clients.

An old Aesop fable comes to mind when I am asked whether a Sub should bond to an unbonded GC:

A woodsman entered the forest and asked the trees to give him a handle made of the best wood.  After giving the woodsman a stave of hickory, the forest watched the woodsman fashion an axe onto the handle.  In a flash, the woodsman began to chop down the various oaks and maples in the forest.  The oak then said to a pine, “It serves us right, since we gave our adversary the very thing that contributes to our doom…”

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About Construction Law Musings

I am a construction lawyer in Richmond, Virginia, a LEED AP, and have been nominated by my peers to Virginia's Legal Elite in Construction Law on multiple occasions. I provide advice and assistance with mechanic's liens, contract review and consulting, occupational safety issues (VOSH and OSHA), and risk management for construction professionals.

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