Tag: Richmond Virginia

Announcements Business of Construction Construction

Happy Labor Day from Construction Law Musings

Well, the summer is winding down and the kids are getting geared up for school for those of us who don’t have college age kids or live where school starts before Labor Day. I wanted to take this opportunity  to thank you for your continued readership, comments and contributions and to wish you and your […]

Announcements Construction Construction Law Mechanic's Liens

Thanks Again to The Lien Blog

I have been lucky to get to know Scott Wolfe, Jr. (@scottwolfejr) and the folks at the Lien Blog (@zlienit).  Scott is a multiple time guest contributor here at Construction Law Musings and I have been lucky enough to post on multiple occasions over there.  The latest of my guest posts discusses the wisdom of […]

Announcements Construction

Happy Independence Day from Construction Law Musings

I find it appropriate that I started my solo practice four years ago and that Independence Day was only 3 days later.  Over the past four years I have never regretted cutting ties with my old firm and heading out on my own.  I am most thankful to my family (particularly my wife) and a […]

Announcements Business of Construction Marketing

Yet Another Shameless Plug for Construction Law Musings

At risk of (or even certainty of) tooting my own horn, I am thrilled to yet again be nominated (thanks @mattbouchardesq) for the Construction Marketing Ideas, Best Construction Blog competition for 2014.  Among those that are fellow nominees are the following that are worth your time: Advise & Consult, Construction Law North Carolina, N. C. […]

Announcements Business of Construction Construction Construction Law

Happy New Year 2014 from Construction Law Musings

Happy New Year from Construction Law Musings and The Law Office of Christopher G. Hill, PC.  I hope that you had as interesting, fun and exciting a 2013 as I did. For more thoughts on 2013, check out my annual year end musings post from earlier this week. I wish all of my friends, family, […]

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