Originally posted 2011-10-31 09:00:15. For this week’s Guest Post Friday, Musings has a real treat. Victoria Pynchon mediates and arbitrates complex commercial litigation, including multi-party construction disputes, for ADR Services, Inc. in Los Angeles, California. She blogs about negotiation at the Settle It Now Negotiation Blog and about the mediation and arbitration of intellectual property […]
Once Again: Contract Terms Matter
I know, you’ve heard this over and over again here at Construction Law Musings: courts in Virginia will interpret a contract strictly and in a manner that gives meaning to its unambiguous terms. A recent case out of the Eastern District of Virginia federal court, White Oak Power Constructors v. Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, reinforces […]
Why Do I Teach? To Learn Something of Course!
A week ago on Thursday and Friday August 29 and 30, 2019, I had the pleasure of co-teaching a two day module on Contract Administration for the Project Manager Development Program created by the Associated General Contractors of America. This was my favorite kind of class, a class for mostly young construction professionals looking to […]
A Teaming Agreement is Still a Contract (or, Be Careful with Agreements to Agree)
I have discussed teaming agreements in this past here at Construction Law Musings. These agreements are most typically where one of two entities meets a contracting requirement but may not have the capacity to fulfill a contract on its own so brings in another entity to assist. However, these agreements are contracts and are treated […]
General Indemnity Agreement Can Come Back to Bite You
I talk about payment bonds often here at Construction Law Musings. I talk a bit less about performance bonds and even less about the General Indemnity Agreements (GIA) that are signed by companies and their principals as part of the agreement between a construction company and its bonding company for the provision of these bonds. […]