Tag: subcontractor

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law Contracts

PSA: Virginia House Passes Pay-if-Paid Ban for Construction Contracts (UPDATED)

In a move that was much anticipated, the Virginia senate recently passed legislation barring straight pay-if-paid clauses in construction contracts between General Contractors and Subcontractors.  SB550 effectively nullifies, for both private and public construction contracts, the “condition precedent” pay-if-paid clauses that are sometimes the bane of a subcontractor’s existence.  The Virginia House of Delegates passed […]

ADR Business of Construction Construction Law

Personal Thoughts on Construction Mediation

Originally posted 2014-08-08 09:00:52. As I left a mediation last week at 8:30 at night, I realized something that I knew all along.  Mediation works. Why does mediation work?  For several reasons that I can think of. The first, and likely most important is that lawyers are expensive.  In most construction cases, we charge by […]

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law Contracts

Addenda to Construction Contracts Can Be an Issue

Originally posted 2016-03-02 15:25:38. We’ve all been there.  Your client either has a well drafted standard subcontract (with any luck in consultation with an experienced construction attorney) that it presents to its subcontractors and suppliers or your client is presented with a construction contract that has some provisions that it would prefer were either different […]

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law Contracts

The Anatomy of a Construction Dispute- The Claim

Originally posted 2015-11-25 11:00:01. A  new year brings with it promise and challenges.  The promise is a relatively clean slate and the thought that 2015 will be a great year for construction professionals and those that assist them.  The challenges come from the almost inevitable issues that can arise on a construction site with its […]

Construction Law Guest Post Friday Mechanic's Liens

Considerations in Obtaining a Mechanic’s Lien in Maryland (Don’t try this at home)

Originally posted 2016-01-11 09:19:41. For this week’s Guest Post Friday at Construction Law Musings I welcome Matthew Evans.  Matt is the owner of Law Offices of Matthew S. Evans, III, LLC located in Annapolis, Maryland.  He has practiced construction, real estate and land use law in Maryland and D.C. for thirteen years.  Prior to opening […]

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