Tag: Sustainable Architecture

Business of Construction Construction Law Green Building

Green Building, Litigation and Risk

Originally posted 2010-12-03 09:00:25. Green Building is all the rage. From the latest version of LEED, LEED 3.0, to discussions of “LEEDigation.” Every level of government wants in on the latest in sustainability. Musings discussed this trend in prior posts relating to Virginia and “green” building and Virginia Business Magazine chimed in as well. This […]

Announcements Business of Construction Contracts

ConsensusDOCS Updates its Forms

As reported recently in ENR Magazine, among other publications, the ConsensusDOCS folks have updated their contract forms.  Why is this news? First of all, it’s only been around three and a half years since these documents were officially released and this release is about 18 months sooner than anticipated (the original revision cycle was to […]

Business of Construction Green Building Guest Post Friday

Value Added Design – Go Green

For this weeks Guest Post Friday here at Construction Law Musings, we welcome Charles Hendricks, AIA, CSI, LEED AP.  Charles (@thegainesgroup on Twitter) is an architect at The Gaines Group, PLC. This architectural and design firm was named the “best green designers” in 2008 by the Virginia Sustainable Building Network and has offices in Charlottesville and Harrisonburg, […]

Announcements Business of Construction Green Building

Why Build2Sustain?

Let me start by saying how honored I am to be a part of the Build2Sustain advisory board. When James Bedell (@jamesbedell on Twitter) first approached me, I was floored.  With all of the other great attorneys out there who deal in the “green building” arena (see the links to some of their sites in […]

Business of Construction Green Building

Energy Reporting and the Broken Window Problem

Much discussion has centered around the de-certification aspect of the energy reporting requirements of the new LEED guidelines.  However, as I have been reading and commenting on the proposed energy reporting requirements found in the latest LEED certification guidelines, and looking at the issue through the eyes of Eeyore (my favorite A. A. Milne character), […]

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