Image via Wikipedia My good friend, and great Washington State construction attorney, Doug Reiser (@douglasreiser) recently posted a great set of thoughts at his Builder’s Counsel Blog. Doug’s inspiration for this great post was an article posted by ENR magazine outlining a proposal from the Department of Energy that Congress pass a statute requiring “sustainable […]
Whole Systems Integrated Process: Essentials for Designing Public Construction Projects
For this week’s Guest Post Friday here at Musings, we welcome Elaine Barnes. Elaine (@elbarneshouse on Twitter) served as Program Manager for the Ohio School Facilities Commission’s Green Schools Initiative from 2008-2010. Under her leadership, the OSFC initiated the design and construction of over 250 schools undergoing LEED certification with the U.S. Green Building Council. […]
What Owners Look for in Green Building and Why Contractors Should Care
A recent article at the Ahead of Schedule Blog brings up a project owner’s perspective on “green” building. The article starts by stating that: Despite the explosion of articles, seminars and webinars on green building and development during the last year or so, there is a dearth of information in the development world regarding what […]