Today is a day to give thanks, and I want to make sure to thank you all for reading and contributing to this little corner of the legal blogosphere. Without all of your readership, comments and suggestions, musing would not be half as rewarding. Here’s wishing all of you, my wonderful readers, a warm and […]
Wishing You All a Happy Thanksgiving from Construction Law Musings
Here’s wishing all of you that read Construction Law Musings a wonderful and family filled Thanksgiving. As I sit here almost a year and a half into my solo construction practice I have much to be thankful for. First and foremost, I am thankful for my wonderful family. Without the loving support of my wife […]
Happy Thanksgiving!
I just wanted to say thanks to all of my readers, friends and guest bloggers who make Construction Law Musings a wonderful place to be. This time of year is a great time to reflect on what makes my construction law practice fulfilling and fun. You all are truly part of that mix. Also, I […]
Happy Thanksgiving from Construction Law Musings
I want to take a minute to say thank you to all who read and comment here at Musings. I find it hard to believe that almost a year of Musings has gone by. I am very grateful for the friends I’ve made on and off line in the last year and look forward to […]