Tag: virginia construction mediator

Announcements Business of Construction Construction Construction Law

Construction Law Musings Turns 11

11 years ago this tiny announcement post started my journey into blogging (or is is “blawging”?).  Since then, I’ve met a few construction lawyers here in Virginia that refer to me as the blog guy.  To be recognized for the work I do here at Construction Law Musings, something that benefits me (and I hope […]

Announcements Construction Construction Law

Happy Thanksgiving from Construction Law Musings

It is that time of year again when I find it appropriate to reflect on the great things in my life.  As I sit here with family on this Thanksgiving Day 2019,  I have much to be thankful for.  I have a thriving construction law practice, great clients, wonderful friends and of course the best, […]

Business of Construction Construction Law Contracts

English v. RKK. . . The Rest of the Story

Originally posted 2018-11-27 10:20:30. Back in February, I discussed a case relating to indemnity and ambiguity.  The opinion in that case, W.C. English, Inc. v. Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP et al., allowed a breach of contract and indemnity claim to move forward despite the fact that conflicting term sheets between the plaintiff and defendant […]

Business of Construction Construction Law Contracts

More Hensel Phelps Ripples in the Statute of Limitations Pond?

As is always the case when I attend the Virginia State Bar’s annual construction law seminar, I come away from it with a few posts on recent cases and their implications.  The first of these is not a construction case, but has implications relating to the state project related statute of limitations and indemnification issues […]

Announcements Business of Construction Construction Marketing

Happy Memorial Day Wishes from Construction Law Musings

Originally posted 2015-05-25 10:00:41. Well, the office is closed and I am enjoying the day off with my family and friends and I hope that you are doing the same. Here’s wishing all of the readers of this construction law blog a great Memorial Day. Thanks for your readership and comments and a special thank […]

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