Each year, Mark Buckshon of the Construction Marketing Ideas blog (one that contains a great amount of wonderful information, by the way), hosts a Best Construction Blog contest. This little corner of the blawgosphere has been nominated for the 2015 competition. Mark has kindly said a few words about Construction Law Musings to give you […]
Why You Should Consider Mediation (Most of the Time)
As any reader of Construction Law Musings is aware, I am a huge fan of mediation as a way to resolve construction disputes. I am such a fan that a few years ago I took the plunge and got certified as a mediator. Why then did I put the caveat in the title of this […]
Reminder: Construction Litigation is Expensive, Be Sure It’s Worth It
I know, this title is yet another seemingly obvious statement in a series of them here at Construction Law Musings. I seem to be going from cliche to cliche these days and musing on things from necessary evils to naming the correct parties in a lawsuit. However a recent post from my fellow “blawger” and […]
Construction Mediation Thoughts at ALPS 411
Thanks again to the great folks over at ALPS411 for another opportunity to join their great list of writers and post a few thoughts on my role as a mediator. Here’s a quick excerpt and hopefully it will interest you in the whole post (linked above): There is, however, a third role that I personally […]
Join Me As I Venture Forth as a Construction Mediator. . .
As you know, I am a big fan of mediation for the resolution of construction disputes. I have discussed the value, both monetarily and stress wise, of mediation on multiple occasions. I have discussed the value of mediation even when it does not lead to settlement and had numerous Guest Post Friday posts from my […]