Tag: virginia construction mediator

Business of Construction Construction Law Contracts

Another Reminder to ALWAYS Show up for Court

Originally posted 2020-01-17 11:09:52. I have discussed the need to always respond to a lawsuit on multiple occasions here at Construction Law Musings.  However, I keep reading cases where the defendant fails to appear either by pleading or in person.  Such action is never a good idea as demonstrated once again in the case of […]

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law Contracts

Are Construction Contract Limitation of Liability Clauses on the Way Out in Virginia?

Remember BAE Systems and Fluor?  This post is the third here at Construction Law Musings relating to this case which is a seemingly never-ending source for content.  In the prior post discussing this case, the Court found that Va. Code 1-4.1:1 which bars waiver of a right to payment before work is performed did not […]

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law Contracts

Uniwest Rides Again (or, Are Architects Subject to Va. Code Section 11-4.1?)

Originally posted 2018-10-03 11:07:55. In 2010, the Virginia Supreme Court held in Uniwest Const., Inc. v. Amtech Elevator Servs., Inc., that Va. Code Sec. 11-4.1 renders completely void and unenforceable any indemnification provision in a construction contract between a contractor and subcontractor that seeks to indemnify the indemnified party from its own negligent acts.  In […]

Construction Construction Law Contracts

No Damages for Delay May Not Be Enforceable in Virginia

Anyone who reads Construction Law Musings with any regularity (thank you by the way) knows that the contract is king in most instances here in Virginia.  Any commercial construction subcontractor in Virginia is likely also very familiar with so-called “no damages for delay” clauses in construction contracts.  These clauses essentially state that a subcontractor’s only […]

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law

The Construction Lawyer as Counselor

Originally posted 2019-04-24 10:56:09. It’s been a while since I discussed the role that I believe a construction lawyer should serve.  Back in 2013, I discussed how those of us that practice construction law are seen as “necessary evils.”  I was thinking over the weekend about certain clients and matters (as I often do, particularly […]

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