Originally posted 2018-04-27 09:11:50. I have often “mused” on the need to have a good solid construction contract at the beginning of a project. While this is always true, it is particularly true in residential contracting where a homeowner may or may not know the construction process or have experience with large scale construction. Often […]
Construction Law- Where Pragmatism and Law Collide
Originally posted 2019-10-25 10:40:49. If there is one “theme” to Construction Law Musings, those that read regularly hopefully see that I take my role as counselor to construction companies seriously. Aside from the fact that litigation and arbitration are both expensive and not a great way for any business, particularly a construction business, to make […]
AGCVA Annual Convention 2019 Was a Blast!
Originally posted 2019-02-04 09:00:30. This year marks the Centennial of the Associated General Contractors of America and the AGC of Virginia. This year’s conference (held January 24-27, 2019) at a new venue , the Greenbrier in White Sulfer Springs, VA, celebrated that milestone. I have been to many of these over the years and discussed […]
One More Statutory Tweak of Interest to VA Construction Pros
Originally posted 2022-04-13 11:15:19. While I have focussed on the recent “pay if paid” legislation in recent posts, the Virginia General Assembly has taken other action that is of interest to those of us that represent construction professionals in Virginia. One such action is yet another tweak to the so-called “wage theft” statute that essentially […]
A Good Examination of Fraud, Contract and Negligence Per Se
Originally posted 2018-02-27 16:36:32. I have spoken on several occasions here at Construction Law Musings about the interplay (or lack thereof) between fraud and contract as it relates to construction in Virginia. The general rule is that fraud and contract claims don’t mix and a fraud claim in the face of a contractual one is […]