My how another year (and summer) has flown by. I looked up and it was August 2nd and a month past the 8th anniversary date of the opening of The Law Office of Christopher G. Hill. It hardly seems like 8 years have gone by except when I reflect on how things have changed in […]
Talking Crisis Changes on the Job Site at Construction Law in North Carolina
Today Musings takes a trip to Construction Law in North Carolina to discuss those pesky on the fly change orders on the job. Thanks to Melissa Brumback for the invite and while you’re over there check out the rest of her great content. As always, I welcome your comments below. Please subscribe to keep up […]
Another Reminder that Your Construction Contract Language Matters
Here at Musings, I have often (some might say too often) discussed the fact that in Virginia (as well as other places), your construction contract language will be strictly enforced. I have also discussed the need for attorney fees provisions as well as other language in order to mitigate your risk as a contractor. A […]
Happy Memorial Day from Construction Law Musings
Well, the office is closed and I am enjoying the day off with my family and friends and thinking about those that served this country. I hope that you are doing the same. Here’s wishing all of the readers of this construction law blog a great Memorial Day. Thanks for your readership and comments and […]
More Fishing with Construction Clients
I have written before here at Construction Law Musings about the value of personal interactions with clients in the age of internet marketing, Twitter, etc. At times, however, even I forget my own advice and tend to stick to my office and use email and other online tools for marketing and client development. At times […]