A Great Time at the 38th Annual Construction and Public Contracts Law Seminar

A Great Time at the 38th Annual Construction and Public Contracts Law Seminar

English: This is a locator map showing Charlot...
English: This is a locator map showing Charlottesville in Virginia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of attending the 38th Annual Construction and Public Contracts Law Seminar at the Boar’s Head in in Charlottesville, Virginia.  It seems like not that long ago I was going to my first of these in 2008! This year, like last, I had a great time planning the seminar and in the process meeting many of the great speakers that provided their insights into topics from gun safety at the workplace to employment facts every contractor should know to the basics of performance bonds.  All in all, this “grab bag” of topics seemed to provide something for everyone, whether an experienced construction attorney or someone new to construction law.

Aside from the great information that was provided (not to mention the full compliment of MCLE credits necessary for the 2017-18 bar year here in VA), the various events and opportunities to meet with other construction law practitioners always provides a wonderful opportunity to catch up with old friends, meet new ones and “pick the brains” of some of the best construction law minds here in Virginia.  Whether at a dinner with my colleagues on the board of the Construction Law and Public Contracts section of the state bar, or simply hanging out at a cocktail hour and getting to know each other better, the contacts and “boots on the ground” discussions only served to remind me of the collegial nature of the construction bar here in Virginia.

All in all it was a great time as it has been for the 10 years I have attended the conference.  To those who attended, be sure to attend again on November 2 and 3, 2018.  To those construction lawyers in Virginia (or even those that are just interested in learning a think or two) that did not attend, I highly recommend that you attend next year.

Without further ado, thanks to all of those that took the time to speak with me.  I always enjoy catching up with old friends and especially making new ones.

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I am a construction lawyer, arbitrator, and mediator in Richmond Virginia

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