Originally posted 2015-02-09 09:51:26. For this week’s Guest Post Friday, we welcome back Melissa Dewey Brumback. Melissa is a North Carolina construction lawyer and a partner at Ragsdale Liggett in Raleigh. She mostly represents architects and engineers in construction-related lawsuits. She also guides owners, developers, general contractors, and designers in drafting effective, efficient contract documents […]
More Fun with Indemnity and Construction Contracts!
Well, I’m back. It’s been quite a while since my last post due to some busy family times and running my law practice. Hopefully, you will hear from me more often in the future. Now. . . on with the post: I have often discussed indemnity provisions here at Construction Law Musings. I’ve posted on […]
English v. RKK. . . The Saga Continues
Originally posted 2019-09-18 10:05:17. Remember back in 2018 when I thought I’d told you the end of the English Construction story regarding its various consultants, etc.? I was wrong. The matter went up on appeal to the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals where the Appeals Court considered the summary judgment granted to the defendant Rummel, […]
Another Reminder to ALWAYS Show up for Court
Originally posted 2020-01-17 11:09:52. I have discussed the need to always respond to a lawsuit on multiple occasions here at Construction Law Musings. However, I keep reading cases where the defendant fails to appear either by pleading or in person. Such action is never a good idea as demonstrated once again in the case of […]
Yet ANOTHER Reason not to Contract without a License
Originally posted 2021-10-14 12:02:08. Remember when I stated that you cannot lawfully perform construction work in Virginia without a contractor’s license? Remember when I said that you risk non-payment if you do so? If you needed another reason, a relatively recent Virginia Court of Appeals decision upholding a criminal conviction for performing construction work without […]