Construction Law Musings Turns 9!

Construction Law Musings Turns 9!

Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It was 9 years ago today that I announced the creation of Construction Law Musings with two lines, no picture and some vague idea that I wanted to share my thoughts and insights into Virginia construction law.  Back in 2008, Musings was on the Blogger platform, my kids were much younger (they’re now a junior at WVU, a freshman at Appalachian State University, and a freshman in high school!), and I had yet to start my solo construction practice.  Needless to say a lot has changed since then.  Over that 9 years, I’ve tried to keep up with the changing landscape of construction law and, hopefully, shared a few things that you, the readers, find interesting.  Some interesting if possibly contradictory mechanic’s lien cases were decided, along with a case finding another potential exception to the economic loss rule.  These are just a couple of the construction law related developments over the past year.

This past year has been a busy, productive and fulfilling one.  On the professional side, I was named for the 11th straight year (and all 7 years as a solo) to the Virginia Business Legal Elite in Construction Law.  I joined the Virginia Bar Association Construction and Public Contracts Law Section Council.  I was once again a co-chair for the planning of the 38th Annual Construction and Public Contracts seminar (if you didn’t make it this year, be sure to make it next year), and continue to serve on the State Bar Construction Law and Public Contracts section committee.  I also kept up my mediation practice and my certification as a mediator here in Virginia.  As always, I’ve also gained some new friends and rekindled some old friendships both in the legal and construction communities.

On the personal side, my kids (mentioned above) are all doing a great job in school and enjoying the time either in college or high school.  These three are a great joy for me to watch grow up.  Our two dogs continue to make life more furry and loveable and, saving the very best for last, my wonderful, supportive and beautiful wife continue to make life at the Hill house a great place to live.  Without the support of the world’s best family, Musings and the practice of law wouldn’t be the fun that it is.

Thanks to all of you that comment and share your thoughts here at Construction Law Musings and those that have helped me keep Construction Law Musings interesting through your Guest Post Friday posts.  Your comments and thoughts have on more than one occasion gotten me past some writers block and gotten me back on my weekly posting track.  Without the great colleagues and friends I’ve met since starting this blog, I likely would have stopped posting years ago.

Thank you to all of you who read Construction Law Musings.  Thank you to all of my friends, clients and colleagues who support this construction law blog and my construction law practice (you know who you are and it would take weeks to list you all).  And, most importantly, thank you to my great family for all that you do to support me in my solo career and my life in general.  You all have made the last nine years of Construction Law Musings a fun and rewarding ride.

As always, I welcome your comments below.  Please subscribe to keep up with this and other Construction Law Musings.

I am a construction lawyer, arbitrator, and mediator in Richmond Virginia

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