Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

Contracts and Collections- Construction Expo- Richmond, VA

Do you have issues with collection on your construction contracts?  Need to file a mechanic’s lien?  If so, check out this slide show that I used in presenting a seminar at the Richmond Construction Expo this week relating to just these topics, and more.  I may even be presenting as you read this post!

As always, please don’t hesitate to comment.  Also, please subscribe to keep up with the latest Construction Law Musings.

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7 Responses to Contracts and Collections- Construction Expo- Richmond, VA

  1. Really good, direct presentation Chris. I am continually struck by how many people are getting drilled on these pay if paid clauses. Subcontractors regularly sign them and do not care at the front end and then are surprised when they stick at the end. Ugly stuff …
    .-= Timothy R. Hughes´s last blog post .. LEEDing to Unintended Consequences – The Ghost of LEED Future =-.

  2. Thanks Tim, I’m a basics kind of guy. Pay when paid can get to be a problem, and I hear that these clauses are hidden pretty well on some contracts.

  3. Good slideshow, the “if paid” and “green is good” portions were particularly helpful.


  4. Thanks for the comment Michael, I appreciate the input. Please check out other posts as they contain some other slide shows, etc.

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