Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

I’m Adding Arbitration to my ADR Services

Capri23auto @ PixabayReaders of this construction law blog know that I am a huge fan of mediation to resolve construction disputes.  In that vein, I became a certified mediator and have provided mediation services for quite a while now.  I have also had mixed feelings about arbitration as a required means of alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”) because arbitration can become just as expensive and bulky as litigation if the parties are not careful with the drafting of their arbitration clauses.  However, arbitration can and should streamline things and adds the element of choice to the contracting parties under the right circumstances and with careful contract drafting allowing flexibility in the choice and number of arbitrators.

With that in mind, and having some recent experience as an arbitrator, I have decided to add construction arbitration to the ADR services offered by me through The Law Office of Christopher G. Hill, PC.  Having participated in arbitration over the years and with my experience in the field of construction law here in Virginia, I truly believe that I can and will assist in the efficient resolution of construction disputes while avoiding the bulky administrative “overhead” that can cause more expense in arbitration than is necessary.

Please check out the new description of these services at my firm’s website and contact me with any questions you have or to inquire about hiring me to arbitrate your construction dispute.

As always, I welcome your comments below.  Please subscribe to keep up with this and other Construction Law Musings.

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