Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

Project Green Schools: Check it Out

Project Green Schools

For this weeks Guest Post Friday, Musings calls on another friend, Robin Organ. Robin is the Executive Director & Founder of greenschools. Robin has her Masters Degree in Education, and has spent more than a decade in the field of education. Robin holds her B.S. from Ithaca College in Speech Communication, English, and Education. She taught at both the middle and high school level, and has been involved with numerous extra-curricular activities and organizations.

Robin serves greenschools in the role of President. Robin is also an active member of Partners in Prevention, The Healthy Schools Network, The Healthy Wilmington Coalition, The Green Team, The Business Development Group, The PTO, and Women’s Professional Network [Boston].

Robin was recently awarded the title of Conservation Teacher of the Year [2008] by the Massachusetts Audubon Society.

There is a lot of talk these days about “The Greening of our Schools”. Some schools are jumping in headfirst and see the need for change. Other schools are not quite there yet, and are waiting for things like funding, parent buy in, and community support. The truth of the matter is that we can wait no longer! Our students, our teachers, our staff, and our planet are not as healthy as they could be, and it is our job to do something about it!

Did you know the average American spends 90% of their time indoors? Did you know The World Health Organization estimates that the environment significantly affects more than 80% of major diseases? That includes childhood cancer, diabetes, and asthma. In addition, more than 1/3 of diseases in children under the age of 5 are caused by environmental exposures. Did you know that 1 in 3 people are affected by allergies? Did you know 1 out of 13 people have asthma, and that asthma is the number one cause of school absenteeism?

According to The EPA, more than 53 million children and 6 million adults in the united States spend their days inside our elementary and secondary schools. How can we turn our backs and not address important issues like Indoor Air Quality, Nutrition, and Global Warming? How can we expect our students to learn, and our teachers to teach in environments that are not up to par?

It is impossible to solve a problem until we understand the complexities and the root of what are dealing with. All of these important issues fall under the GREEN umbrella. These are the issues that green schools, a non-profit organization whose mission is to create Greener & Healthier learning environments, addresses. We believe in order to bring about positive change; the first step is always education.

greenschools offers a variety of educational programs for those involved with the school community. The greenschools organization trains administrators, staff, students and community members on topics that matter! greenschools offers practical advice, projects, student assemblies, alternative fundraisers to selling junk food, wrapping paper, and magazines, and more…

Executive Director and Founder, Robin Organ, knows all too well the dangers of environmental exposures and their effects on human health. Just a few years ago, Robin Organ nearly died from repeated anaphylaxis and toxic overload. Robin had always suffered from allergies and a weakened immune system. Little did she know that one day, her immune system would overflow to the point where she became ALLERGIC TO EVERYTHING [chemicals, foods, fabric, cleaning supplies, vitamins, etc.]! Robin and her 2 young daughters have suffered immensely due to environmental illnesses, but please read on because this story has a HAPPY ENDING. Due to the work of numerous doctors [holistic + traditional] and authors, Robin was able to learn the tools to choose health for herself and for her girls. All three girls, Robin indluded, are living a much healthier lifestyle and were able to get off much medication that was repeatedly prescribed. Like many other families, the Organ family became educated in practicing environmental controls and in reading labels. They were able to implement simple strategies around their home that made a difference.

Robin was inspired. After teaching for nearly a decade, Robin saw greenschools as her way to give back this learned education to those involved with the school community. Greenschools has helped numerous schools along with some professional janitorial companies to get rid of toxic products and GO GREEN with non-toxic cleaning products. greenschools has also helped schools implement safer practices and policies when it comes to the health of our children and our planet.

As always, we welcome your comments below.  Please subscribe to keep up with this and other Guest Post Fridays here at Construction Law Musings.

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