Seven Years of Musings?!?!? Hard to Believe Even for Me

Seven Years of Musings?!?!? Hard to Believe Even for Me

Candles spell out the traditional English birt...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Wow!  It seems like just yesterday that I started this little construction law blog with a two line post on the Blogger platform.  When I posted that announcement seven (yes, it’s been 7 years) ago basically on a whim, I had no idea that I would still be posting my “musings” on construction related topics this far in the future.  Now, 7 years, a jump to solo construction practice, and close to 700 posts later, Musings is still going strong.

It’s been another great year here at this construction blog and for my construction law practice.  I am honored to have been named to the Virginia Business Legal Elite in the Construction Category for the 9th straight year (spanning my time at my prior firm and my time in solo practice).  I’ve had the opportunity to serve yet another year with some good friends, both new and old, on the Virginia State Bar Construction Law and Public Contracts Section Board of Governors and will be helping to plan next year’s Construction and Public Contracts seminar.  I have also gained some new friendships over the past year that have enriched my law practice both on and off line.

Thanks to all of you readers and those that have helped me keep Construction Law Musings interesting through your Guest Post Friday posts, this little corner of the “blawgosphere” has taken on a wonderful life of its own.  Your comments and thoughts have on more than one occasion gotten me past some writers block and gotten me back on my weekly posting track.  Without the great colleagues and friends I’ve met since starting this blog, I likely would have stopped posting years ago.

So, without further ado, thank you to all of you who read Construction Law Musings.  Thank you to all of my friends, clients and colleagues who support this construction law blog and my construction law practice (you know who you are and it would take weeks to list you all).  And, saving the best for last, thank you to my great family for all that you do to support me in my solo career and my life in general.  You all have made the last seven years of Construction Law Musings a fun and rewarding ride.

As always, I welcome your comments below.  Please subscribe to keep up with this and other Construction Law Musings.

I am a construction lawyer, arbitrator, and mediator in Richmond Virginia

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