Stick to Your Guns on Price and Pricing with Construction Contracts

Stick to Your Guns on Price and Pricing with Construction Contracts

Originally posted 2014-05-27 09:00:44.

1976 Little Construction Vehicles
1976 Little Construction Vehicles (Photo credit: JD Hancock)

In recent posts here at Construction Law Musings, I have discussed the need for clarity of contract, trusting your gut, and assuring that your contract has the necessities.  All of these bits of advice (along with my usual advice of working with an experienced construction attorney) are true with regard to commercial construction contracts and apply ten fold in a residential construction (read working for a single/family owner on their house).  With a residential project, you, as a construction contractor, are likely to be dealing with the difficult combination of an owner with little or no experience relating to how a construction project is supposed to work and an owner that is emotionally invested in the project because it is their home.

Because of the above, and the fact that your project is likely the biggest single investment that the owner has made outside of possibly a prior house, the residential owner will likely be looking over your shoulder and may very well attempt to negotiate down some of the costs that they perceive as the project moves forward.  In short, the average person 1. does not know how much the project truly costs the contractor, and 2. feels that because they hold the cash, they can and should have some control over the individual costs of the construction thus making those costs, and by extension, their contract, negotiable right up until the end.

This set of circumstances can create the “perfect storm” for a residential contractor.  One good way to shelter yourself at least as much as possible from much of this storm is to use a fixed price where possible and a very strict allowance based system where such pricing will not work.  Why do I say this?  Because when the owner accepts a fixed price for the work, that owner does not have the right to “look behind the curtain” and nit pick the costs and your overhead/profit structure.  When the owner asks for this information, you can, and should, politely yet firmly tell that owner that how you arrived at the number is no business of him or her because of the fixed price (of course with allowances, the owner picks the item and you apply the markup to that item so the owner should have no place to complain).

If the owner gets upset by such logic, simply state that both sides agreed on the price and that the risk of loss on this score is with the contractor.  The owner knows what it will pay.  If you, as the builder, miscalculate the cost, you lose money.  Hopefully this will allow the discussion to end quietly, if not amicably, and you’ve defused one bit of ammunition with which an owner can try and whittle away your profit.  Of course, I, as a lawyer, leave it to you, the contractor, to assure that the fixed price is as it should be.

To wrap this up, you know your construction business better than the typical residential owner.  Stick to your guns and keep your pricing information to yourself.  You’ll be glad you did.

As always, I welcome your comments below.  Please subscribe to keep up with this and other Construction Law Musings.

I am a construction lawyer, arbitrator, and mediator in Richmond Virginia

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