Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

Tag Archives: Business process

Resolve to Mediate Your Construction Disputes in 2014

Originally posted 2014-01-13 09:00:34.

The Supreme Court of Virginia Building, adjace...
The Supreme Court of Virginia Building, adjacent to Capitol Square in Richmond, Virginia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

After last week’s quick detour to discuss Kevin Underhill’s great book, we’re back to discuss more “serious” topics.  Namely, how to move forward relating to your construction disputes in 2014.

As anyone that regularly reads Construction Law Musings knows, I am a Virginia Supreme Court certified mediator and an advocate of mediation as a great way to resolve construction disputes in an efficient manner.  While much of my practice is representing construction industry professionals during the dispute resolution process (whether through litigation, arbitration or otherwise), I try and keep my focus on risk management and the efficient resolution of the payment and performance issues that are almost inevitable in the Murphy’s Law controlled world of construction.

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About Musings

About Construction Law Musings

I am a construction lawyer in Richmond, Virginia, a LEED AP, and have been nominated by my peers to Virginia's Legal Elite in Construction Law on multiple occasions. I provide advice and assistance with mechanic's liens, contract review and consulting, occupational safety issues (VOSH and OSHA), and risk management for construction professionals.

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