For our first “Guest Post Saturday” here at Construction Law Musings, we have a great one. Victoria Pynchon is an attorney-mediator with ADR Services, Inc. in Century City; an arbitrator with the American Arbitration Association in Los Angeles, California; and, a negotiation consultant and trainer world-wide. Victoria is one of the founders of She Negotiates […]
Construction Claims- Who Do You Sue?
So, here you are, a general contractor, subcontractor or supplier and you haven’t been paid. You know you should be paid and are at the end of your rope after what seem like hundreds of demands by phone and e-mail. You’re ready to file a claim and try and get paid. Simple enough, right? Not […]
We Need Strategic Thinking in Construction Procurement
For this week’s Guest Post Friday here at Musings, we welcome back Harold (Hal) Good, CPPO. Hal served as Director of Procurement and Contracting for the city of Palm Springs, California and Palm Springs International Airport for twenty-one years. He has also held procurement and contracting related Positions at New York University Medical Center and […]
Thanks to AEC Quality Magazine
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of invading the great AEC Quality Magazine (published by my pal Brian Hill (@blhill and @aecquality)) with some “musings” (some would say of the “windmill tilting” variety) about a construction lawyer’s role in the construction world and asking the question: “Should Construction Lawyers Wish for Litigation?” You may be able […]
Thanks (Again) for the Guest Post Fridays
As you may have noticed, the Guest Post Fridays have been a bit sparse lately. That is not because I don’t look forward to them as much as you do. The simple fact is that I have been busy and so have those attorneys and others in the construction industry that have been so generous […]