Originally posted 2010-07-23 09:00:11. For this week’s Guest Post Friday, Construction Law Musings welcomes Danielle Rodabaugh. Danielle is a principal for Surety Bonds.com, an agency that issues surety bonds to individuals and businesses across the nation. She writes articles to clarify bonding rules and regulations for those who have a stake in the surety bond […]
Reminder About the Upcoming Mechanic’s Lien Form Change
As July 1, 2019 approaches with its inevitable changes to the Virginia Code, I wanted to remind you once again that the statutory form for a Virginia mechanic’s lien will change as of that date. HB2409 passed both houses of the General Assembly and has been signed by the Governor. This bill reconciled the language […]
Resolve to Mediate Your Construction Disputes in 2014
Originally posted 2014-01-13 09:00:34. After last week’s quick detour to discuss Kevin Underhill’s great book, we’re back to discuss more “serious” topics. Namely, how to move forward relating to your construction disputes in 2014. As anyone that regularly reads Construction Law Musings knows, I am a Virginia Supreme Court certified mediator and an advocate of […]
When is an Improvement not an Improvement on a Construction Project?
Originally posted 2012-09-21 08:00:01. Today I am back on the legal analysis/interesting case train after a few weeks of getting my new solo practice (thank you to all who have wished me well in this endeavor) up and running and discussing various green building trends and topics. This week’s case discusses the operation of the […]
Please Join Me at the Boar’s Head for Some Construction Law Fun
On November 2nd and 3rd, 2018, Virginia CLE will be putting on the 39th Annual Construction Law and Public Contracts Seminar. I’ve recommended this seminar and given a “post mortem” on it on multiple occasions here at Musings and want to recommend it again. If you, like me, are a construction attorney that practices in […]