Tag: Lawsuit

ADR Construction Law Contracts

Mandatory Arbitration Isn’t All Bad, if. . .

Originally posted 2011-07-29 09:00:40. In the past week or so mandatory arbitration has been all the rage.  From those that argue that arbitration is becoming more burdensome than litigation, to my friend and fellow construction attorney Scott Wolfe who gives great advice on how to make arbitration worth it again.  You can place me in […]

ADR Business of Construction Construction Construction Law

Resolve to Mediate Your Construction Disputes in 2014

Originally posted 2014-01-13 09:00:34. After last week’s quick detour to discuss Kevin Underhill’s great book, we’re back to discuss more “serious” topics.  Namely, how to move forward relating to your construction disputes in 2014. As anyone that regularly reads Construction Law Musings knows, I am a Virginia Supreme Court certified mediator and an advocate of […]

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law Contracts

Incorporation, Indemnity and Statutes of Limitations, Oh My!

Originally posted 2017-02-07 09:00:55. We all know that the contract is king in Virginia.  We also know that Virginia will allow for a so called “incorporation” clause that will allow for “flow down” of certain prime contract provisions in a way that will make those provisions applicable to subcontractors.  We also know that a claim […]

Business of Construction Construction Law Contracts

Murphy was an Optimist- How to Deal with this Truth on a Construction Site

Anyone who deals with construction on a daily basis will tell you that something will go wrong on the job site.  I am constantly reminded of this fact (and also reminded that I may have a somewhat skewed perspective because I spend my time either dealing with problems, or anticipating them for my construction clients).  […]

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law Contracts

Reminder: A Little Pain Now Can Save a Lot of Pain Later

I know, you think you hear it enough from me here at Construction Law Musings.  I am seemingly constantly beating the drum of early advice from a construction attorney and the benefits of spending a bit of money now to avoid spending a lot of money later. I do this because real world examples of […]

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