Tag: payment bond claim

Bond Claims Construction Construction Law

Reminder: Second Tier Subcontractors Have Miller Act Claim

Originally posted 2013-02-11 09:00:06. Here at Construction Law Musings, we often discuss the Federal Miller Act and its Virginia equivalent (the “Little Miller Act“).  These two statutes provide subcontractors on government projects (on which no mechanic’s lien can attach) the protection of payment and performance bonds. One question that often arises in this context is […]

Bond Claims Business of Construction Construction Law

Maybe Supervising Qualifies as Labor After All

Remember back in 2021 when I “mused” about Dickson v. Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland et al.?  Remember how the Eastern District of Virginia held that mere supervision does not qualify as “labor” under the federal Miller Act?  Well, the 4th Circuit recently weighed in on the appeal of that case and had some […]

Bond Claims Construction Construction Law Contracts

Discussions of Changes in Virginia Mechanic’s Lien Law at ZLien

Originally posted 2015-06-16 13:00:56. Once again I get to thank Scott Wolfe (@scottwolfejr) over at Zlien for an opportunity to guest post.  This time around it is on the soon to be implemented changes to the Virginia law as it relates to contractual waivers of lien and bond claim rights. Here’s a taste of the […]

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