When I started this blog back in December of 2008, I did so on a whim. I had heard that a blog was a good way to get ideas out there and that I could get some benefit, so I dove right in and charged ahead. Before I started the blog, I had profiles in […]
Solo Practice University! Wow!
When Susan Liebel, the founder of Solo Practice University contacted me to talk about her vision and my joining the faculty, I was of course familiar with SPU and had kept up with faculty announcements (please check out the faculty, they are amazing!) , but had no idea that I was even on the radar […]
What Is Construction Law?
In the past few weeks, I must have been asked one question on multiple occasions: “What is Construction Law?” When this question was asked, I realized that I’ve been Musing on this topic for almost three years and realized that I’ve posted on everything from why I enjoy being a construction lawyer, to various topics […]
The Future ‘Middle Class’ of the Legal Profession – Unbundled Legal Services
This week’s Guest Post Friday is a real treat. Susan Cartier Liebel was a full-time coach/consultant for solos and small firms, an attorney who started her own practice right out of law school, an adjunct professor at Quinnipiac University School of Law for eight years teaching law students how to open their own legal practices […]
Too Many Thank You’s
As Musings nears five months of its existence, I feel the need to thank all of those who have been kind enough to contribute to its success. When I started this on mostly a whim in December, I had no idea how this experiment could grow and the great people and opportunities that presented themselves. […]