Tag: subcontractor

Construction Law Contracts

Reminder: Pay if Paid Not All Encompassing (but Could it be?)

Originally posted 2011-11-04 09:00:46. On numerous occasions, I have discussed the need to be careful with so-called “pay if paid” clauses in construction contracts.  While such clauses are enforceable in Virginia (when phrased correctly), there are exceptions and limitations (for instance in the Miller Act context). One such exception (that I frankly would have thought […]

Construction Construction Law Contracts

Be Careful When Walking Off of a Construction Project

Originally posted 2017-08-10 10:29:18. I am truly grateful that my buddy Craig Martin (@craigmartin_jd) continues his great posts over at The Construction Contractor Advisor blog.  He is always a good cure for writer’s block and once again this week he gave me some inspiration.  In his most recent post, Craig discusses a recent Indiana case […]

Bond Claims Construction Law Contracts

Miller Act Bond Claims Subject to “Pay If Paid”. . . Sometimes

Originally posted 2014-07-09 09:44:02. The Federal Miller Act is a great tool that subcontractors and suppliers on Federal projects can use for collection of wrongfully withheld amounts due.  However, as a recent federal case from the Eastern District of Virginia points out, the construction contract’s terms affect when a subcontractor or supplier can use this […]

Construction Construction Law Contracts

Flow Down! What Flow Down?!?!

Originally posted 2013-08-26 09:10:19. Thank goodness for my pal and fellow blogger, Craig Martin (@craigmartin_jd).  Whenever I hit a bout of writer’s block, he comes through with a great idea for a post that I am more than ready to play off of here at Construction Law Musings.  This time his post is on that […]

Business of Construction Construction Law Contracts

Murphy was an Optimist- How to Deal with this Truth on a Construction Site

Anyone who deals with construction on a daily basis will tell you that something will go wrong on the job site.  I am constantly reminded of this fact (and also reminded that I may have a somewhat skewed perspective because I spend my time either dealing with problems, or anticipating them for my construction clients).  […]

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