For this week’s Guest Post Friday, we welcome back Nathan B. Hinch. Nate is an attorney at the law offices of Mueller, Reece & Hinch, LLC in Bloomington, Illinois, where his practice includes advising real estate, construction, environmental, and other businesses regarding the law, and represents them in conflict mitigation and resolution efforts, including arbitration, […]
Roundup of Recent Guest Posts at Musings
To those of you new to Construction Law Musings, welcome aboard. To those of you who are readers already, thanks. For today post, I thought I’d round up some of the recent Guest Post Friday posts for your perusal. In short here are some recent ones in case you missed them: The most recent post […]
Negotiation from Weakness- You’ll be Doing It
For our first “Guest Post Saturday” here at Construction Law Musings, we have a great one. Victoria Pynchon is an attorney-mediator with ADR Services, Inc. in Century City; an arbitrator with the American Arbitration Association in Los Angeles, California; and, a negotiation consultant and trainer world-wide. Victoria is one of the founders of She Negotiates […]
Mediation Musings From the Trenches
As I posted quite a while ago, I have been going through the Virginia Supreme Court mediation certification training. Part of that training is a series of co-mediations where I get to essentially mediate a dispute with the supervision of a trained and experienced mentor helping smooth the edges. This past week, I was able […]
Yet Another Shameless Plug for Construction Law Musings
At risk of (or even certainty of) tooting my own horn, I am thrilled to yet again be nominated (thanks @mattbouchardesq) for the Construction Marketing Ideas, Best Construction Blog competition for 2014. Among those that are fellow nominees are the following that are worth your time: Advise & Consult, Construction Law North Carolina, N. C. […]