Originally posted 2018-04-27 09:11:50. I have often “mused” on the need to have a good solid construction contract at the beginning of a project. While this is always true, it is particularly true in residential contracting where a homeowner may or may not know the construction process or have experience with large scale construction. Often […]
Do We Really Want Courts Deciding if Our Construction Contracts are Fair?
Originally posted 2015-03-17 10:06:56. As I posted recently, the Virginia General Assembly has passed, and I can see no reason why the governor won’t sign, a bill that would essentially invalidate preemptive contractual waivers of lien rights as they relate to subcontractors and material suppliers. It does not apply to General Contractors, but it is […]
Mediating is Eye Opening
Originally posted 2015-09-14 09:00:25. As anyone that reads this construction law blog on any sort of regular basis knows, I am a big advocate for mediation in most cases (construction or otherwise). I took this truly to heard about four years ago when I decided to go through the training and mentorship to become a […]
Even Fraud in the Inducement is Tough in Construction
Originally posted 2014-06-10 15:38:08. I have discussed how hard it is in the Commonwealth of Virginia to make out a claim for fraud when a construction contract is involved. On limited exception is where a claim for “fraud in the inducement” is involved. Essentially, such a claim states that one party was hoodwinked into entering […]
Sometimes Contractors Collect Without a License (Crawford Construction Revisited)
Originally posted 2012-11-26 09:00:56. Are you all looking for a case where the contractor did just about everything wrong from a documentation and licensing perspective and still got away with it? If so look no farther than Crawford Construction & General Contractors Inc. v. Kemp. This case came up here at Musings once before relating […]