For this week’s Guest Post Friday here at Construction Law Musings, we’re doing something a bit different and plugging the Virginia State Bar Annual Meeting. As a member of the Construction Law and Public Contracts Section Board of Governors, I recommend it. The Virginia State Bar (VSB) was created in 1938 by the General Assembly […]
2011 Year End Construction Law Musings and Reflections
Wow! Another year has passed and 2012 is just about upon us! I hope all of you had a great year and I look forward to a wonderful 2012 here at Musings. As I sit here reflecting (or “Musing”) this day after Christmas, I am amazed at how quickly the first full calendar year of […]
Musings and Construction Featured in the Virginia Lawyer February Issue
Thanks to Virginia Lawyer, the magazine of the Virginia State Bar for its feature on construction law and in particular the Construction Law and Public Contracts Section. The set of features in this month’s issue (check it out through the link above) highlight construction law and attorneys through articles covering topics from ADR to bankruptcy. […]
Raising Your BIM Fluency
For this week’s Guest Post Friday here at Construction Law Musings, we welcome newcomer Lauren McLaughlin. For over a decade, Lauren has devoted her law practice to representing professionals in the construction industry. When she is not drafting contracts, negotiating change orders, litigating trials, or doing site visits as project counsel, she speaks at a […]
Three Years of Construction Law Musings and Still Going Strong
In a conversation recently, I talked with someone who had been reading Construction Law Musings for almost 2 years. That prompted me to check the date of my first post here in my corner of the blawgosphere. Amazingly, that date was December 11, 2008. Back then, I started this construction law blog on the Blogger […]